Prose, poetry and prattle: some published, and some ... well, not yet.

Tuesday, 11 July 2006

That Damn 4-Letter Word

Love is a feeling. Feelings pass.

For love to remain eternal, it needs commitment and sacrifice.

Love is a journey where the destination is happiness. Getting there needs a roadmap.

The journey may be pleasant, or long and arduous, but it is the journey of trials and tribulations, and where struggling gives it meaning and depth.

Arriving there at the destination isn’t as important as how the journey is enjoyed and endured.

Love is a banquet which leaves you filled and contented at the end. It is made up of many ingredients, brought together with great effort.

The flavours mingle and co-exist, and hitting the right flavours at the right times create beautiful melodies of sensations, and of memories.

Love is best endured when there is a sense of duty, like a religion that demands ritual and responsibility.

Love is not about you. Love is about the other - the one that you love.

And yet to be loved, we must love our own self the most.

Because when we do, we are attendent to our inner, most true thoughts and feelings, and we are then able to communicate them in all honesty and without agenda to that person whom we say we love.

The purest of all love after all is honesty unclothed. Like a new born before its mother.

(For B, and maybe for W - written on 11 July 2006)

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